Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What's Happening Wednesdays!

It is finally here!   Answer The Phone Like Buddy The Elf Day! December 18th is the day to answer the phone “(Insert your Name) the Elf, what’s your favorite color?!”
And don’t forget to observe the Code of the Elves!
1. Treat every day like Christmas.
2. There's room for everyone on the nice list.
3. The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Remember those Dove Tree adoptions are due back Sunday!

Remember those Dove Tree adoptions are due back to the FCPC lounge on 12/8, between 9:00 am and Noon, so they can be given to the appropriate agencies. Thanks for helping to make it a Merry Christmas for these families. Contact Kim:

Don't Miss This Great Christmas Concert This Weekend!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Getting To Know...

In our "Getting To Know You" series we are getting to know a FCPC staffer each month!

In December we are getting to know...

Name:  Renee Wallace
Family members: husband, Brian and two kids, Andrew (12) and Meredith (10)
Pets:  Bella the Fierce, the great feline predator
Favorite color:  turquoise
Title:  Director of Children and Family Ministries
What your job entails: (just a brief sentence or two that highlights what you do around here : )   I’m responsible for making the FCPC Kids programming happen here at the church.  The means I coordinate all that happens for kids on Sunday mornings, Wednesday nights, and at VBS.  I also lead chapel for  the Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church Preschool kids during the week.   
Hire date:  I was originally hired to be the Administrative Assistant for Christian Nurture in April of 2016.  In April for 2018 I took over at Director of Children and Family Ministries when Delinda Donovan retired. 

µ If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?  I would be able to sing!  It is a constant frustration for me in my job and in my life in general that I do not have even an inkling of musical ability. 

µ What’s a trip that changed you, and why?   In 8th grade my dad and I were part of an inter-generational mission trip to the dumps of Mexico city.  The adults on our team provided free basic medical, dental, and hair care services while the teens organized sports and crafts for the children of the community.   It was a trip that opened my eyes to cultural differences and issues of privilege in a way that shaped me on a deep and personal level. 

µ What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?  When I was a kid I had pet goats named Robin Hood and Little John. 

µ What’s one thing you’re currently trying to make a habit?  Laughter.  Can I say that?  It sounds dumb, but I don’t laugh enough.  So I’m trying to laugh more.  This weekend I went to Fall Run Park and sat on the swings while the kids were playing.  I started swinging, like really swinging, …and I can’t even tell you the last time I did that…and I got the giggles so bad!  It was fantastic! 

µ What’s one thing you’re learning now, and why is it important?  I’m learning that even as an adult, faith can change.  That sometimes there is a lot of doubt wrapped up in faith, and that that is okay.  That sometimes believing means hoping in the best story possible, even when all of the details don’t seem to line up the way you used to think they did.  And this is important stuff.  I’m not the only person who has experienced this.  Adults and teens and kids all over the world are on this same journey of faith and hope and doubt.  This is stuff we need to talk about.  There is strength in admitting we don’t always know all the answers.  There is strength in coming together to search for them. 

µ What’s something you’ve done, but will never do again?  Flew in and out of LaGuardia Airport.

µ What’s the best advice you were ever given? Who was it from?  My dad told me that I should get a job waiting tables after high school because it was likely to teach me things about people and hard work that would be valuable to me for the rest of my life.  He was right. 

µ What trend do you hope makes a comeback?  Crimped hair!  I’ve hauled my crimper around for almost 30 years to every dorm, house and apartment I’ve lived in.  I keep thinking that one of these days I’m going to want it or my daughter will want it to dress up for a flashback dance or costume party.  Hasn’t happened yet.